If You Were Incarcerated


It feels different to be free.

You have to brainwash yourself into believing that you can be successful.

welcome Home!

I have been home for a while. The most challenging thing is figuring out how to be a better human being and continuing to serve the communities. How do you serve communities of individuals with similar stories to yours and youths you are trying to talk to before they end where you were? People who come home from incarceration have much more influence than people think, and incarcerated people can help someone. They can use their voice to help end the School- To Prison-Pipeline or the Prison- To Street-Influencing -Pipeline.

I believe that everyone can make something out of life. Going to prison is never our end. Our goal and mission are never to give up as people who survive prison or jail that you survived Hell on Earth. Most of us who got incarcerated are from mostly forgotten communities and people who felt that the government was failing us. I know coming home isn't easy but staying home is the hardest. I see something you wanted, though. You probably didn't know who to talk to or how to explain your feelings. I say to keep healing while still fighting for a better life. When you come home, don't forget where you are coming from and where you have been.

You are going to change someone or a communities life. All you have to do is use your voice and never give up. Remember that you are the Fire & Water of life, and become wiser. You got this, and this is my letter for those coming home from incarcerate or those who have been home for a while.

Welcome Home!
